عزيزي الزائر,,
يشرفنا أن تنضم الينا, فقط أضغط زر "تسجيل" وضع بياناتك للمشاركه في المنتدى

بمجرد تسجيلك في المنتدى ستحصل على الكثير من الأشياء مثل:

*وصول الى جميع النوادي الخاصة للأعضاء
*قدرة المشاركة بأضافة مواضيع أو ردود أو حتى طلبات

أضغط هنا للتسجيل

أو أذا كنت عضواً لدينا, أذهب لتسجيل الدخول

"أدارة منتديات سونيك القنفذ"
عزيزي الزائر,,
يشرفنا أن تنضم الينا, فقط أضغط زر "تسجيل" وضع بياناتك للمشاركه في المنتدى

بمجرد تسجيلك في المنتدى ستحصل على الكثير من الأشياء مثل:

*وصول الى جميع النوادي الخاصة للأعضاء
*قدرة المشاركة بأضافة مواضيع أو ردود أو حتى طلبات

أضغط هنا للتسجيل

أو أذا كنت عضواً لدينا, أذهب لتسجيل الدخول

"أدارة منتديات سونيك القنفذ"
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 معلومات Sonic Adventure 2 (انجليزي) Part 2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Heaven Boy
حصل على (4) زمردة
حصل على (4) زمردة
Heaven Boy

عدد المساهمات : 348
الموقع : الرياض
العمر : 23
العمل/الترفيه : هذا عملي اما الباقي ترفيه
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تاريخ التسجيل : 29/01/2012
السٌّمعَة : 146

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مُساهمةموضوع: معلومات Sonic Adventure 2 (انجليزي) Part 2   معلومات Sonic Adventure 2 (انجليزي) Part 2 Hhtt510الجمعة فبراير 03, 2012 1:11 am

خن نكمل المعلومات اوكي

معلومات Sonic Adventure 2 (انجليزي) Part 2 Sonic%20Adventure%202%20Battle%20FRENCH%20PAL%20COVER

Two-player mode
A two-player mode is also available in Sonic Adventure 2, where the corresponding characters from the "Hero" and "Dark" stories are able to play against one another in racing levels, shooting levels, and treasure-hunting levels. Stages from the main one-player game are available in this mode, slightly altered for competitive play. The goals for each stage are to defeat the other player by completing a task first: racing levels require the player to reach the Goal ring, shooting levels end when one Walker runs out of energy either by being destroyed by the competitor or falling off the stage, and the treasure hunting levels are won when one character gets two of the three Emerald shards.
Special features in this two-player mode are unlocked by meeting certain conditions in the single player mode. Additional characters include familiar characters from previous games, but they must be unlocked in the original Dreamcast version: Amy and Metal Sonic complement Sonic and Shadow, Chao and Dark Chao complement Tails and Eggman, and Tikal and Chaos 0 complement Knuckles and Rouge. Alternate costumes are usable only in two player mode and vary in each version of the game, as do the conditions required to unlock the costumes.
السرعة القصوى !
Chao and Chao World
The animal Chao exist in an area held separate from the rest of the game called Chao World. Chao are meant to be raised and taken care of in the same manner as with human babies. Chao World incorporates three main areas: the Chao Gardens (three in total, but two must be unlocked by the player), the Chao Kindergarten, and the Chao Race Lobby.
The player finds and raises Chao in the Chao Garden. When Chao hatch, they crawl and are unable to swim. They get their nutrition from knocking the fruit off trees. When a Chao begins to grow up, it will eventually go into a cocoon stage in which it will transform. Depending on how each Chao in the garden was raised and treated during childhood, it can become a generic Chao or a Light or Dark Chao. As soon as a Chao transforms, if it has become a Light or Dark Chao, it will unlock for the player the Hero Garden or the Dark Garden, which are vertically positioned in Chao World similar to common Western descriptions of Heaven and Hell. "Chaos Drives" and hidden animals can be found in the action stages and can be given to Chao during childhood to boost the Chao's stats and physical attributes.
كياس ايمرلد اخضر
GameCube adaption
The Nintendo GameCube adaption of Sonic Adventure 2, called Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, was released on December 10, 2001 in Japan, February 12, 2002 in North America, and on the GameCube's launch (May 3, 2002) in Europe, making it the first in the series to be released for the Nintendo system. This game changed a large portion of raising Chao. A Chao's stats can be viewed from within the game.[4] The player can transfer one Chao from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle to the "Tiny Chao Garden" section in Sonic Advance, Sonic Advance 2, and Sonic Pinball Party with the GameCube-Game Boy Advance Link Cable. If a Game Boy Advance is connected without a GBA game inserted, a version of the Tiny Chao Garden can be copied temporarily into the Game Boy Advance's memory. Chao Karate was also introduced in this version. The Chao's stats are used against a computer-controlled opponent to fight in a fighting game style, but with minimal influence from the player and very little in terms of actual karate.[5] The layouts of all three Chao Gardens were also changed slightly, with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle's Chao Gardens significantly smaller than those of the original Dreamcast version.
The "Battle" multiplayer options were expanded in the GameCube version, including the addition of new characteristics to the multiplayer-exclusive characters, while removing all online play.[6] Also, the additional features for the kart mode are not required to be unlocked in the GameCube version.
There are several aesthetic changes, as well. In the GameCube version, minor special effects were added such as rain in the "White Jungle" level. Also, when playing as Knuckles or Rouge, an exclamation (!) will appear above his or her head when directly nearby their targets. Some cutscenes were also redone slightly, with different character animations and camera angles. Some rankings had their requirements changed. Additionally, the cutscenes appear to play faster than on its original Dreamcast counterpart[citation needed], such as when the heroes crash on their first arrival on the ARK. Most of Big the Cat's cameos did not remain in the stages, cutscenes, or two-player mode, but he can still be viewed in some story sequences by rapidly pressing the A or B buttons throughout the scenes. A Dark Chao (with Dark Chao Walker) replaces Big the Cat in two-player mode.
الى الأعلى

After discovering the existence of a secret weapon mentioned in the diary of his grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, Dr. Eggman infiltrates a high-security G.U.N. facility in search of it. This "weapon," a black hedgehog named Shadow who claims that he is the "Ultimate Life Form," offers to help Eggman take over the world, telling him to rendezvous with Shadow at the abandoned Space Colony ARK with more Chaos Emeralds. Shadow proceeds in stealing one of the emeralds, and G.U.N. officials mistake him for Sonic. Shadow has a flashback during these events to the final moments of a young girl named "Maria", who begging him to do an unspecified task—which he interprets as a request for revenge. Sonic is apprehended shortly after he confronts Shadow, who demonstrates to Sonic the Chaos Control technique.
Meanwhile, Knuckles confronts both Rouge the Bat and Eggman, who each attempt to steal the Master Emerald. Knuckles shatters the Master Emerald to prevent this, and proceeds to search for the scattered shards and restore the Emerald. While Rouge also intends to collect the shards for personal benefit, she must also accomplish a mission for the government to spy on Eggman. This mission also leads her to the ARK, where Shadow relays to Eggman his plan to use the Chaos Emeralds to charge a "super weapon" on the ARK called the Eclipse Cannon to take over the world. To accomplish this, Shadow and Eggman recruit Rouge to assist in the search of the Chaos Emeralds.
Tails and Amy infiltrate Prison Island and rescue Sonic from G.U.N., while Eggman, Shadow, and Rouge collect three Emeralds on the island, which they then destroy. Eggman then broadcasts his threats across the planet and demonstrates the cannon's level of power by destroying half of the moon. Sonic and company use the final Emerald within their possession to track down the other six, with Knuckles coming along as well. Together, the group infiltrates Eggman's base, narrowly boarding Eggman's shuttle as it launches into space. Along the ride into space, Knuckles' Master Emerald shards are spilled, and he leaves the group to collect them, encountering Rouge again. During the fight, Knuckles saves Rouge from certain death, and Rouge surrenders her collected shards, finally allowing Knuckles to restore the Master Emerald.
Onboard the ARK, Tails reveals that he has created a counterfeit Chaos Emerald designed to reverse the effects of the real Emeralds and destroy the Eclipse Cannon. Sonic goes to place the fake Emerald into the cannon when Eggman announces he has captured Tails and Amy. Sonic tries to give Eggman the fake Emerald, but at the last second Eggman traps and jettisons Sonic in an escape pod rigged with explosives. Using the fake Emerald, Sonic manages to perform Chaos Control and escape before it explodes, but Tails, thinking Sonic is dead, fights Eggman again. Shadow is sent to intercept Sonic before he destroys the Eclipse Cannon, but Sonic succeeds.
Once Eggman collects all seven Chaos Emeralds and attempts to fire the Eclipse Cannon at full power, a failsafe activates, and a recorded message is broadcast by the late Gerald Robotnik. It explains that the ARK will collide with and destroy Earth, as revenge against humanity for condemning him and his research, killing his granddaughter Maria and numerous colleagues on-board the ARK. Everyone agree to work together to neutralize the Chaos Emeralds with the Master Emerald and stop the collision. Shadow initially does not participate, due to his apathy for humankind, however Amy's pleading reminds him of Maria's true request to serve as a benefit for society. He catches up with Sonic and Knuckles after they make their way to the core.
After disabling the various security features guarding the Cannon's core, Sonic and Knuckles encounter the Biolizard, a prototype of the Ultimate Life Form, and Shadow's "biological" brother, who had been awoken from stasis to ensure that the Emeralds would not be tampered with. Shadow defeats the Biolizard, allowing Knuckles to deactivate the Chaos Emeralds using his repaired Master Emerald. However, the injured Biolizard uses Chaos Control to fuse with the Eclipse Cannon, becoming the Finalhazard and continuing the ARK's collision course by physically dragging it along. Using the power of the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic and Shadow transform into Super Sonic and Super Shadow and defeat the Biolizard while he is fused to the ARK. They then use Chaos Control to teleport the ARK back into a stable orbit around Earth. The process, however, depletes Shadow's energy, and he is unable to remain in orbit, plummeting to Earth, to his apparent death content that he has fulfilled his promise to Maria. Humanity celebrates openly as the two teams solemnly express gratitude towards Shadow for his sacrifice and return to Earth, expressing their plans from there.

المعلومات انتهت

تحياتي لا مشكلة
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Sonic Adventure 2
خبير العاب سونيك
خبير العاب سونيك
Sonic Adventure 2

عدد المساهمات : 2350
الموقع : City Escape
العمر : 26
العمل/الترفيه : مدري
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تاريخ التسجيل : 16/08/2011
السٌّمعَة : 280

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